Outsize T-Shirts

Outsize T-Shirts

Outsize t-shirts from Pier32 Ethical Promotional Clothing. T-shirts over 55" chest measurement.

GD002 Ultra Cotton Tee

GD005 Heavy Cotton Tee

KK500 Hunky Tee

About Pier32

We print and embroider promotional clothing. Our garments are ethically produced and include WRAP certified, fairtrade, organic and bamboo ranges. We offer t-shirts, polos, hoodies, fleeces, baseball caps, sportswear, schoolwear, jackets, bags, towels, umbrellas, scarves and much more. Whether it's for a fundraising event, a product launch, a new uniform or for retail - we are your ethical choice.

Our ethics | Our services | Our team

Pier32 Pier32 is a company registered in England & Wales
Company No: 4748676, VAT No: 644 2714 45
Registered Office - 32 The Island, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0SQ
ORB Ethical Junction